
Bans and restrictions regarding legal regulation of sex selection are problematic; inter alia also in terms of ethics and philosophy. Even if sex selection and sex-selective abortions are ethically unacceptable, there is still a question whether the means of legal regulation of the issue and strict intervention of the society and the government into one’s privacy and rights are ethically permissible.

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The study of international experience in prevention of gender-biased sex selection shows that application of restrictions on sex selection and abortions within the national policy and legal regulation is hardly effective. Moreover, usually such restrictions target mainly and primarily women and healthcare providers; as a result, the burden of the problem is largely put on their shoulders, whereas the causes of the problem and the responsibility for the solution rest with the entire society, its culture and stereotypes. 

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As the international experience of the past three decades shows, the inventory of effective policies to prevent non-medical gender-biased sex selection should consist not only of various legislative restrictions, bans and subsequent liability for bypassing them, but also of an extensive awareness raising campaign to inform of such practices, their causes and the risks of consequences. Another large component should include projects and measures promoting appreciation of female children and generally the equal rights and opportunities of women and men in the society. 

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In order to prevent the consistently declining fertility in Armenia, and gender-biased sex-selection, and at the same time to empower women in their economic activities and to promote their participation in labour force, it is recommended to introduce a new benefit system for working mothers taking care of children up to two years of age.

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Historically, military service and defense sector have been associated with power and men. However, in the modern defense sector discipline and physical fitness of military servants are not sufficient for ensuring its overall combat efficiency anymore. Securing the necessary number of servants and technical modernization under the defense sector reforms are crucial for any nation to improve its security.

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Call for Expert on Policy Communication and Instruments

This announcement is available only in Armenian. 


“Green light” for environmentally neutral business development from Lisbon to Vladivostok

On March 3, 2021, the first meeting of the GreenDeal Task Force created under the Initiative Lisbon-Vladivostok was held. In the videoconference format, more than twenty authoritative experts in the field of ecology and business from Austria, Armenia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia, France, as well as the representatives of the largest business industry associations supporting the Initiative Lisbon-Vladivostok, discussed common approaches to harmonizing the activities implemented by the EU and the EAEU on the path to sustainable development, including a radical reduction in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by 2050.

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Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk

On January 30, 2024 ICHD organized the first Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk consolidated community, comprising 17 rural and urban settlements, in close collaboration with the local government, "Solution Hub" NGO and their beneficiaries, active young people from the community. The results are summarized in the THM report available in Armenian only.