Technical Support, Administrative and Financial Services for the Preparation of the National Child Labour Survey Report in Armenia

2015 - 2017

ICHD and RA NSS with the financial support of the ILO implement the Project for supporting of the development of information collection, research capacity, and monitoring systems related to child labour “to provide Armenia with a tool for understanding the incidence and root causes of child labour and for planning action and measuring progress in programme intervention”.

The action aims at improving information on working children, child labour, and child labour in hazardous work in each target country or sector through data collection and in-depth analysis. The specific objectives of the action are:

(i) Assess the extent, characteristics, causes and consequences of the involvement of children aged 5-17 in working activities (economic and non-economic).

(ii) Operationalize legal definitions of child labour and hazardous work into statistical indicators.

(iii) Determine the prevalence of children’s employment, child labour, hazardous work, unpaid household services and hazardous unpaid household services by sex, age-group, area of residence (urban/rural) and geographical desegregation of the survey (districts, departments, etc.).

(iv) Assess the involvement of children aged 5-17 in one or more activities simultaneously: employment only; children studying only; children combining school and employment and; children neither working nor attending school (by sex, age group, employment status).

(v) Collect information on the interplay between employment, child labour, hazardous work, and education.


(vi) Collect information on the following characteristics of children’s work: Industry of employment (by sex, age group); Status in employment (by sex, age group); Occupation and when possible information on the specific goods produced by children (by sex, age group); Weekly hours of work: for children in employment; children in employment only and children combining school and employment (by sex, age group, etc.); Weekly hours of household chores (by sex, age group); Main types of household chores (by sex, age group); Engagement in fetching water and collecting firewood (by sex, age group); Seasonality of economic activities; Children wanting work; Earnings and mode (cash/ in-kind), payment frequency, and how spent; Reasons for child working; Vulnerable child groups (ethnic groups, by regions, etc.); Poverty and child labour; Occupational safety and health issues associated to child labour and hazardous work.



Call for Expert on Policy Communication and Instruments

This announcement is available only in Armenian. 


“Green light” for environmentally neutral business development from Lisbon to Vladivostok

On March 3, 2021, the first meeting of the GreenDeal Task Force created under the Initiative Lisbon-Vladivostok was held. In the videoconference format, more than twenty authoritative experts in the field of ecology and business from Austria, Armenia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia, France, as well as the representatives of the largest business industry associations supporting the Initiative Lisbon-Vladivostok, discussed common approaches to harmonizing the activities implemented by the EU and the EAEU on the path to sustainable development, including a radical reduction in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by 2050.

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Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk

On January 30, 2024 ICHD organized the first Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk consolidated community, comprising 17 rural and urban settlements, in close collaboration with the local government, "Solution Hub" NGO and their beneficiaries, active young people from the community. The results are summarized in the THM report available in Armenian only.