Under various programmes and projects implemented in cooperation with Armenia's multilateral and bilateral international development partners, such as European Commission, United Nations Agencies, United States Agency for International Development, The World Bank, UK Foreign Commonwealth Office and Good Governance Fund, German political Foundations and in cooperation with local peer civil society institutions, as well as in close collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Armenia, the International Center for Human Development is responsible for mobilisation of policy expertise in target areas in accordance with ICHD standards and procedures.
ICHD standard operation procedures on procurement of services are anchored at the principle of awarding our service contracts to those offering best value for money, while ensuring sufficient transparency, fair competition and adequate ex-ante publicity, equal treatment, proportionality and non-discrimination, as well as avoiding conflicts of interests throughout the entire procurement procedure. This call is open on equal terms to all natural persons effectively established in the Republic of Armenia.
ICHD is issuing this open-ended call to draw on relevant expertise in performing the function of policy analysis, policy monitoring, policy advice and legislation analysis. According to its procedure ICHD establishes expert teams, drawing from a roster of experts established by the ICHD for this purpose. ICHD administration undertakes the evaluation of applicants. To ensure that all the technical and administrative capacities necessary to give an informed opinion on the applicants is in place, ICHD invites representatives of stakeholders of its programs to participate in the evaluation committee set up to evaluate applications on the basis of the exclusion, selection and award criteria published in open-ended calls.
ICHD encourages experts having a positive experience and record as policy experts to apply. On this basis, the first call was conducted from 1 November 2009 until 31 March 2010. ICHD agreed to delegate its function of establishing and maintaining the rosters of policy experts to ICHD Administration. On this basis, the ICHD administration launched a second call to supplement the rosters. The second call was conducted from 1 July 2011 until 31 January 2012. The subsequent calls to update the roster were made in 1 March 2013 to 30 November 2014, 1 March 2015 - 30 November 2015, and 1 March 2016 - 30 November 2016, 27 February 2017-30 November 2017. The seventh call was conducted from 1 December 2017 to 30 May 2018. The Eight call was conducted from 10 July 2018 to 31 December 2018. The Ninth call was conducted from 21 January 2019 to 31 July 2019. The Tenth call was conducted from 01 August 2019 to 31 January 2020.
Experts fulfilling the competence requirements listed below are invited to submit their applications.
A Policy research team member shall:
The selection of the applicants to be included in the rosters is the responsibility of the ICHD Administration.
The rosters of experts are maintained by the ICHD Administration.
Being included in the roster(s) of experts does not automatically imply that the expert will be chosen as a member of a relevant policy research team.
Members of the policy research teams will be paid travel costs and daily subsistence allowance for attending a meeting or undertaking research assignments in accordance with the national regulations and the ICHD procedures. In addition, the policy research team members will be paid fees as determined by the ICHD in the Indicative level of fees to be paid to policy experts.
The terms of payment will be effective after satisfactory completion of work.
Have read and agreed to the Terms of reference for policy research teams Apply online through the email provided below: [email protected]
The call for experts is open from 1 February 2020 to 31 October 2020 (17:00 GMT+4)
On January 30, 2024 ICHD organized the first Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk consolidated community, comprising 17 rural and urban settlements, in close collaboration with the local government, "Solution Hub" NGO and their beneficiaries, active young people from the community. The results are summarized in the THM report available in Armenian only.
more >>The Publication is available only in Armenian.
more >>This report presents the process and the key results of the August 13, 2024 youth-oriented Town Hall Meeting (THM) organized within the “Armenia Civics for Engagement” (ACE) Program.
The goal of the “Armenia Civics for Engagement” Program is to improve the quality of Armenia’s formal and non-formal civic education to foster youth public participation and advancement of democratic processes in Armenia. The Program is implemented by Project Harmony International and its sub-awardees International Center for Human Development, Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS and National Center of Educational Technologies. You can find out more about the ACE Program at www.facebook.com/ArmCivics4Engage.
The program is made possible by the generous support of the American People through USAID․
This report presents the process and the key results of the August 13, 2024 youth-oriented Town Hall Meeting (THM) organized within the “Armenia Civics for Engagement” (ACE) Program.
The goal of the “Armenia Civics for Engagement” Program is to improve the quality of Armenia’s formal and non-formal civic education to foster youth public participation and advancement of democratic processes in Armenia. The Program is implemented by Project Harmony International and its sub-awardees International Center for Human Development, Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS and National Center of Educational Technologies. You can find out more about the ACE Program at www.facebook.com/ArmCivics4Engage.
The program is made possible by the generous support of the American People through USAID․