International Center for Human Development (ICHD) is inviting qualified applicants to participate in a Secondment from Armenian Private Employment Agencies (PEAs) to EU-based PEA (Host) according to the Terms of References below. Interested applicants are invited to submit their curriculum vitae (in English) by email to [email protected] listing in the email subject “CV for Participation in a Secondment from Armenian PEAs to EU-based Host” by September 15, 2013 at the latest, referring to this call.
Three most successful applicants will be offered an opportunity to be seconded to an EU-based Host employment agency in partnership with Armenian PEA under the “Strengthening Evidence Based Management of Labour Migration in Armenia” (SEBMLM) Project funded by the European Union.
The ICHD will cover all logistic activities necessary for the fulfilment of the secondment including travel, accommodation and per diems for selected participants. ICHD will assist both the beneficiaries (Armenian-based PEAs) as the Secondment provider (East West Link) before and during the Secondment. ICHD will support both sides in organizational aspect.
The PEAs are the beneficiaries of this action. Their needs, opinions and interests will be taken into full account during the design of the training curriculum. PEAs are expected to demonstrate active participation during the Secondment and after it.
Private Employment Agency East West Link will provide the selected candidates with skills transfer and mentorship which will be delivered in a job shadowing activity format. The EWL will be hosting Armenian representatives for two weeks. They will provide their hosts insights into their everyday work and to create the environment for them to learn more about recruitment services in European Union, their work and code of conduct. The Secondment will be conducted in a format of an experience exchange. Some elements of job shadowing method will be implemented but they will be significantly broadened. The crucial role of job share and practical skills and knowledge exchange during the Secondment is emphasized under this call.
The three selected participants from the Armenian PEAs will be deployed for the Secondment in Warsaw at the East West Link Poland main office. (ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 144, 3rd floor).
The participants will be required to share an apartment in the size of three to four rooms with a kitchen, bath and toilet. In addition, the participants of the Secondment will receive subsistence in the form of per diems. Transportation costs directly relevant to the Secondment will be covered by ICHD. In addition, communication costs for mobile telephony as well as an Internet connection (mobile Internet unit) may be provided for office work and reporting to ICHD between Warsaw and Yerevan. Laptops may also be provided from ICHD to facilitate the Secondment effectively. Utility costs derived from the accommodation will be part of the apartment rental fee and added to the rental fee at the end of the agreed period for the apartment rental.
The tentative date of the secondment is: November 2013.
The Secondment of PEA-staff is envisaged by the component A and Activity A.2 in the Grant Application Form/Project proposal. The Activities are outlined under the Logical Framework for the project as well. The main outcomes from the Secondment is for PEA-staff members to receive best management practices from a leading EU-based PEA experienced in primarily recruitment for Circular Labour Migration (CLM) of Third Country Nationals (TCN).
For the technical skills transfer, the Secondment will be implemented in the format of a job shadowing activity. The curriculum for the job shadowing will be produced in a combined format between ICHD, the ULISSES Unit, Armenian PEAs and East West Link (a Polish PEA). The time period for the implementation of the Secondment is set to two (2) weeks and will commence in November 2013. The total number of participants from the Armenian PEAs is set to three (3).
A Secondment Report will be prepared within two weeks after completed Secondment.
The overall aim of the Secondment to Poland is to improve the key Armenian-based PEAs competitiveness in overseas recruitment and to establish genuine bilateral relations between Armenian EU-based PEAs (East West Link).
The Secondment to Poland will produce the following outputs:
(1) The CLM expert to the ULISSES Unit will produce a five-page guidebook on establishment of business relations between Armenian PEAs and EU-based employers. The document will be available in English and optionally in other member state’s official languages (Polish).
(2) Coordination of the activities and documentation of liaison communication between the ULISSES Unit, ULISSES System (Platform), PEAs (local and EU-based) and EU-based employers.
(3) Capacity development of Armenian PEAs for recruitment of CLMs to the EU, enhanced quality management practice. Support in gaining international experience which will be an asset in a further cooperation with EU-based PEAs from all the MSs.
(4) Assisting the everyday EWL activities will be a perfect opportunity for Armenian PEAs representatives to gain practical skills in a field presented during the CLM training prior to the Secondment.
(5) The Polish PEA, EWL will benefit through the assistance of Armenian PEAs employees and their practical knowledge of emerging labour market of one of Eastern Partnership countries, the key/main area of EWL operations.
(6) Armenian PEAs will gain deeper understanding of labour demand in Poland. Their experience will have significant influence of their performance in future cooperation within the project
(7) Armenian PEAs will gain deeper understanding in European employment policy. Their experience will significantly develop their competitiveness in overseas recruitment
The successful applicants are expected to fulfil observation as follows:
· gain insight into the roles and responsibilities of EWL staff members;
· reflect, learn and share experiences with specialists working in different labour market;
· see the bigger picture and understand how the EU member states labour markets work;
· learn how European pro-active employment policy tools are implemented in practice;
· learn how European migration policy is implemented in practice;
· gained experience might help in the further decision making back in Armenia and complex improvement of services provided by participant PEAs.
The successful applicants are also expected to fulfil the following Job Share responsibilities:
· Assisting EWL staff in overseas recruitment //cooperation with Eastern Partnership/CNS countries
· Getting trained in TCN legalization procedures (visas, work permits, necessary arrangements)
· Assisting EWL staff in communications with their Ukrainian office (opportunity to learn more about the case of Polish-Ukrainian cooperation, the knowledge of Russian language is a guarantee of smooth communication)
· Carrying the job interviews with Russian speaking job-seekers
The detailed-task list will be provided by East West Link in a close cooperation with ICHD prior to Armenian PEAs representatives arrival to Warsaw, Poland.
Only professional staff of Armenian active private employment agencies interested in Recruitment Services in Eastern Partnership/CIS countries is eligible to apply.
The eligible applicants mast
(a) At least 5 years of work experience in recruitment services in Armenia;
(b) Excellent knowledge of Armenian policy, regulatory and institutional framework in the area of labour and employment, and in the field of overseas recruitment, in particular;
(c) Great knowledge of Armenian labour market. Knowledge of Eastern partnership, CIS and EU labour markets is an asset;
(d) Good knowledge of labour migration. Sound knowledge of migration management in Armenia is an asset;
(e) Excellent knowledge of business practices of recruitment and quality service management standards in the business of recruitment services;
(f) General knowledge of EU Acquis in the area of recruitment of third-country nationals in EU MS;
(g) General knowledge of Polish policy, regulatory and institutional framework of labour and employment is a strong asset;
(h) Excellent communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills, proven leadership, ability to work in diverse environment under time pressure;
(i) Fast learning skills and knowledge transfer capabilities
(j) Experience of traveling and/or leaving abroad;
(k) Proven experience in similar tasks. Proven experience with international organizations, think tanks in participation in training and mentoring program;
(l) Armenian professional proficiency; Working English and Russian is required. Knowledge of Polish is a strong asset.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their curriculum vitae (in English) and a letter of support from the management of a Private Employment Agency they are working by email to [email protected] listing in the email subject “CV for Participation in a Secondment from Armenian PEAs to EU-based Host” or bring in hard copy to ICHD Office (located in the Ani Plaza Hotel, Buseinss Floor, ICHD Premises, 19 Sayat Nova Avenue, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia).
The CV-s should be in English and contain information about (i) education, (ii) professional experience, including research and consultancy experience, (iii) fluency in languages; (iv) computer skills and (v) list of publications.
The letter of support should clearly state that the incumbent is working at the PEA providing the letter, will specify the position of the incumbent and the period of employment, as well as the commitment of the PEA management to utilise the knowledge and skills of the staff member gained during the secondment in their business development.
The CV-s should be received before September 15, 2013.
No phone calls please. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please, note that this is only short-term secondment opportunity (up to two weeks).
About the SEBMLM project: ICHD, in partnership with IOM and with financial support of the EU, is implementing the “Strengthening Evidence-Based Management of Labor Migration in Armenia” three-year project. The overall aim of the Project is to enhance management of labour migration flows from Armenia to EU member states. The project pursues four components through a sequence of interlinked activities through policy advise, institutional capacity building, training, awareness raising. The key areas of the project activities are: (i) enhancing the capacities of private employment agencies (PEAs) in Armenia; (ii) enabling an environment for circular migration in Armenia; (iii) strengthening national capacities in migration data collection, analysis and policy; (iv) raising awareness towards possible approximation of legislation on migration management with EU Acquis.
About the Organization: International Center for Human Development (ICHD) is one of the leading think tanks in Eastern Europe. One of the main integral parts of a developed democratic state is civic organizations that are able to foster good governance and development through their alternative research, policy feedback and other various initiatives. The activities of the International Center for Human Development are a good example of the emergence of an alternative think tank. The Center has developed a tradition of discussing current political, economic and social developments as well as acute problems with the participation of the country’s renowned specialists and researchers as well as high ranking officials, diplomats and ordinary citizens. All ideas and proposals resulting from those round-table and public discussions are polished and presented to the public and policy-makers through the policy channels. ICHD thus continuously is providing a forum for various strata of the population to make their voices heard at the highest echelons of power. ICHD has also strong belief in the huge potential of professional and social networks and have materialized this value in creating several large networks of young leaders.
On January 30, 2024 ICHD organized the first Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk consolidated community, comprising 17 rural and urban settlements, in close collaboration with the local government, "Solution Hub" NGO and their beneficiaries, active young people from the community. The results are summarized in the THM report available in Armenian only.
more >>The Publication is available only in Armenian.
more >>This report presents the process and the key results of the August 13, 2024 youth-oriented Town Hall Meeting (THM) organized within the “Armenia Civics for Engagement” (ACE) Program.
The goal of the “Armenia Civics for Engagement” Program is to improve the quality of Armenia’s formal and non-formal civic education to foster youth public participation and advancement of democratic processes in Armenia. The Program is implemented by Project Harmony International and its sub-awardees International Center for Human Development, Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS and National Center of Educational Technologies. You can find out more about the ACE Program at
The program is made possible by the generous support of the American People through USAID․
This report presents the process and the key results of the August 13, 2024 youth-oriented Town Hall Meeting (THM) organized within the “Armenia Civics for Engagement” (ACE) Program.
The goal of the “Armenia Civics for Engagement” Program is to improve the quality of Armenia’s formal and non-formal civic education to foster youth public participation and advancement of democratic processes in Armenia. The Program is implemented by Project Harmony International and its sub-awardees International Center for Human Development, Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS and National Center of Educational Technologies. You can find out more about the ACE Program at
The program is made possible by the generous support of the American People through USAID․