
Gender dimension of development is one of the key areas of ICHD’s work. ICHD strives to promote gender equality and empowerment of women through both mainstreaming gender dimension into its programs and initiating and implementing gender specific projects, as well as incorporating the principle of equality of men and women into its human resources and other corporate policies and practices.

Equality and non-discrimination are among ICHD’s core values. Our staff is gender-balanced and we strive to further promote women to managing positions within our organization. ICHD follows the principle of equal pay for equal work principle throughout entire development portfolio of projects. ICHD Methodologies and instructions of using its instruments include specific non-discriminatory clues unless gender specific target groups or gender specific needs are addressed. ICHD have also implemented several projects promoting gender equality, empowering women in economy and politics, preventing gender based violence in Armenia.

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ICHD policy research team is carefully choosing the most suitable and effective approach to each and every problem. Thus, in the research on the tobacco taxation and illicit tobacco trade issues in Armenia, ICHD experts have mostly focused on individual problems and their solutions with the primary aim to identify the most effective and efficient solution in technical and economic terms for tax raise policy.

Further, while estimating the remittance flows and channels of remittance transfers to Armenia, ICHD analysts focused on political processes and stakeholders involved also addressing the political dimension of the problem. Through this research ICHD team have determined the processes and channels of remittance transfers, analyzed the effects of remittances on poverty in Armenia, explained the role and influence of stakeholders within the policy process and provided policy recommendations to enhance positive effects of remittances on poverty in Armenia.

In assessing the impact of the World Bank and Armenian Government funded Education Quality and Relevance Project ICHD researchers have approached the entire system and context of education in Armenia. The political, economic and socio-cultural contextual factors, as well as sub systems including links of secondary education system with pre-school and high school systems, system of assessing pupils, school graduation and university entrance examinations system, teachers training system, integration of ICT into the teaching and learning process have been considered.

Meanwhile, in each and every policy study and policy research ICHD carried out our experts tried to determine which of various alternative policies will most achieve the area and issue specific goals in light of the relations between the policies and the goals – tried to explain policies and their development, formulated policies and recommendations.

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2005 – ongoing

One of the major areas of ICHD’s work is promoting the participatory democracy in Armenia and in the region. Here ICHD works with national and local decision makers, building their capacity to engage the citizenry through various channels; promotes environment conducive for the participatory decision making process; develops and implements mechanism that enable the effective participation of citizens in the decision making process at the national and local levels. The Town Hall Meeting mechanism, one of the most effective and vibrant models of facilitating public participation in decision making process both in local and expert communities. The Town Hall Meeting (THM) mechanism creates meaningful opportunities for citizens to participate in public decision making.

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Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk

On January 30, 2024 ICHD organized the first Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk consolidated community, comprising 17 rural and urban settlements, in close collaboration with the local government, "Solution Hub" NGO and their beneficiaries, active young people from the community. The results are summarized in the THM report available in Armenian only.

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Monitoring Youth Engagement in Decision-Making

The Publication is available only in Armenian.

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Youth Expo 2023

Only in Armenian (Link)

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Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk

On January 30, 2024 ICHD organized the first Town Hall Meeting within ACE in Vayk consolidated community, comprising 17 rural and urban settlements, in close collaboration with the local government, "Solution Hub" NGO and their beneficiaries, active young people from the community. The results are summarized in the THM report available in Armenian only.